Our vision of the Smart City
Pavapark works on the intelligent design of the urban environment for the benefit of citizens. In this sense, it applies the most avant-garde technology in a comprehensive way to achieve mobility with the following characteristics:
- That it recovers the urban environment for the citizen, the main protagonist and beneficiary of the configuration of the city and its services.
- That it integrates the different groups that make up the citizenry, paying special attention to the most vulnerable.
- That it be sustainable over time and respectful of the environment, favoring the reduction of CO2 emissions and the use of renewable energies, with an eye on the durability of the designs and planned proposals.
In short, mobility at the service of the citizen that is truly efficient, intelligent and safe, using available technologies to efficiently face the global and local challenges faced by today’s cities.

Smart City Solutions
Mobility Solutions
Smart Parking
Our Parking and Occupancy Control solutions in Parking Off Street improve the experience of parking managers and citizens.
It guides users to free spaces easily and quickly, which translates into a reduction in congestion, pollution and, consequently, a greater satisfaction of drivers and citizens.
Guided free places
Mobile App
Occupation statistics

Access control to restricted areas
Through our access control solutions, it is possible to have real-time information about the transit of vehicles or people, whether on a public road, a restricted area such as a monument or a building. Registration of license plates through cameras, centralization system (NVR) for video recording, processing and analysis, remote administration, etc.
Centralization system
Professional platform

Smart crosswalk
Intelligent system for monitoring and signaling pedestrian crossings. It is a new measure in the improvement of signage in the municipality that significantly increases road safety for pedestrians and drivers.
Pedestrian detection
Warning lights
Greater security

Road safety
Intelligent lighting system that allows you to regulate the intensity of the lighting depending on the use of the road, thus providing greater energy efficiency at times when maximum lighting is not necessary.
Additionally, the equipment incorporates a presence detector from which it performs the intelligent regulation of the controlled path, monitoring at all times both the use and consumption of the luminaires in which it is installed. The configuration, as well as the analysis of the data generated is carried out from a centralized cloud management platform.
Presence detection
Smart lighting
Consumption savings

Smart Park and Ride
Parking lots for cars located on the outskirts of generally large cities, and created in order to encourage drivers to park their vehicles and access the center by public transport.
The P & R, in addition to being a modal exchange center between the private vehicle and public transport (subway, train, bus,…) can also be with other alternative personal transport options to the private vehicle (bicycles, scooters, shared cars,…)
Reduce congestion
Reduce travel times
Reduce pollution

Zero Zone - ZBE
Area, normally circumscribed to a large area within the city or even to the entire city, in which access to certain vehicles is restricted, only allowing the entry of those vehicles that meet the best emission standards.
On some occasions, vehicles that exceed a certain level of emissions must pay an entrance toll to the Low Emissions Zone.
Reduce traffic
Encourage the use of public transport
Reduces pollution

Citizen information solutions
Smart information point
The smart signage screen seeks to break with the unequal digital technological gap existing among the population, offering the information of the municipality for the citizens through a different channel than mobile applications and web pages.
Touch screen
Intuitive interface

Control and management of sports facilities
The intelligent system of access control and management of sports facilities allows to monitor the use made of the facilities by citizens in real time together with their energy consumption and the automation of certain actions related to lighting systems. Additionally, it allows programming alarms to detect abnormal operation of the circuits managed by the system.
Cloud Platform

App ciudad
Mobile application aimed at informing the user of topics of interest related to the city and its surroundings.
Various profiles depending on interests: citizen or tourist.
Mobile App
Intuitive interface

Environment and energy
Electric mobility
Installation, management and integration of Charging Points for Electric Vehicles: PAVAPARK – PRVE.
App Moviltik
Payment via app, reservations ...
Control and management
Main manufacturers

Environmental quality management
The main objective of this component is the installation of a monitoring system that allows both the measurement of air quality and the noise level in order to determine the environmental quality of the municipality.
Air quality
Noise pollution

Technological solutions for municipalities
The BeePark Management Platform integrates the information of the mobility services managed in the municipality to provide the group of agents involved (administration and citizens) with a global solution for the management and visualization of the different municipal services.
Centralized system
Efficient management

System for remote control of vehicle access to bounded areas through video analysis and automatic license plate recognition.
Stock control
Registration and access control

Web platform for sensing, analysis and representation of different data acquisition systems deployed by the city, aimed at understanding the municipal environment as a complement for decision-making.
It implements the main IoT communication protocols to provide maximum compatibility with different manufacturers, ensuring the reduction of integration times for new sensing systems.
Data mining

Manager Control Plus
Complete comprehensive system of the Regulated Parking Service management process, incorporating both the Controller APP and the Complaint Management Web Application.
Mobile App
Adveration mode
Complaint management

The Moviltik mobile application implements functionalities related to mobility in the city, thus providing citizens with the management of different services from a single application.
Mobile App
Payment via app
Charging points

Moviltow is a resource management and incident response system aimed mainly at the vehicle removal service on public roads. The system consists of a management web server for use by the service manager together with a mobile application used by the crane driver.
Communication between the web server and the mobile application is carried out in real time, allowing the execution status of each of the managed incidents to be known at all times.
Mobile App
Fleet management
Management of incidents

Web industrial estates
WEB Portal to offer a window to the citizen of the services necessary for the revitalization, image improvement and dissemination of the Industrial Estates. Development and start-up creating a structure that can evolve over time according to the available technology and the needs of the sector.
Web Portal
Improve the relationship with customers
Improves polygon visibility

High performance system for the detection of wanted or irregular vehicles. Specially designed and trained to perform real-time license plate readings on both sides of the road while driving regularly.
Automatic license plate reader
Integrable with databases
Equipped with internal GPS